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A nuclear receptor links HIV drugs with liver disease

  • Adonia DHANJAL
  • news

Before the advent of antiretroviral drugs, the prognosis for patients with AIDS was extremely poor. However, new antiretroviral treatments have revolutionised care for patients with HIV/AIDS, making lifelong viral suppression possible and improving life expectancy to near normal in patients…

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Physical activity linked to reduced risk of liver cancer

  • Adonia DHANJAL
  • news

Liver cancer is a leading cause of cancer death, with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounting for 85–90% of all primary liver cancers. In a recent issue of Journal of Hepatology, Dr Baumeister et al. showed that higher total physical activity was…

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Transforming the landscape of liver disease in the UK

  • Adonia DHANJAL
  • news

Perspectum Diagnostics released details regarding the latest version of its LiverMultiScan magnetic resonance imaging technology which identified nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, according to a press release. The latest version of LiverMultiScan, known as LiverMultiScan IDEAL, will feature…

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Fatty liver imposes 91% higher risk for cancer

  • Adonia DHANJAL
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San Francisco — Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease carried a 91% higher risk for malignancy and the risk for cancer with obesity is “driven by NAFLD,” according to a presentation at The Liver Meeting 2018. “The risk of malignancy…

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To ward off fatty liver, breast is best for mom

  • Adonia DHANJAL
  • news

Study finds fatty liver disease is less likely to occur in mothers who breastfeed for more than six months. Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine and Kaiser Permanente have discovered that mothers who breastfed a child or children…

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