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Spirits industry afraid of their own ingredients?

The public health community is greatly disappointed about the SpiritsEurope approach to label their products. In our view, the European spirits industry refrains from informing consumers at the point of sale in an easy and accessible manner. Instead of following…

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Future of Continuing Medical Education

Scientific progress is constantly reshaping clinical practice. Therefore, it is crucial that medical professionals continuously adapt to novel and better approaches for patient management. A hugely important part of a doctor’s development follows qualification and is provided by continuing medical…

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BioMed Alliance – Better Education Better Care

BioMed Alliance Members have produced a cartoon highlighting the importance of high-quality and unbiased continuing medical education for medical professionals. Medical professionals participate in continuing education to keep their knowledge up to date and to be able to provide the…

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Experts warn of fatty liver disease in young people

New research, presented at the International Liver Congress™, warns that high levels of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among young people is signalling a public health crisis. Excerpt from The Guardian Study finds substantial numbers of young people at risk of…

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Hepatic encephalopathy and traffic accidents

Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a frequent complication in patients with chronic liver disease. HE is a complication of cirrhosis that is associated with psychomotor slowing and an increased risk of accidents at home, at work, or while driving a car…

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A nuclear receptor links HIV drugs with liver disease

Before the advent of antiretroviral drugs, the prognosis for patients with AIDS was extremely poor. However, new antiretroviral treatments have revolutionised care for patients with HIV/AIDS, making lifelong viral suppression possible and improving life expectancy to near normal in patients…

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