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Key Dates

  • 31 Jan, 2022 Application deadline
  • 01 - 02 Jul, 2022 School days

EASL School: The diagnosis and clinical management of immune-mediated liver diseases: recent advances and controversies

A dedicated clinical school in rare immune mediated liver diseases including PBC, AIH, PSC, IgG4 related disease, liver disease in patients with primary immunodeficiency and those treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. The course will follow an inverted classroom model and will rely on local expertise from the Sheila Sherlock Liver Centre at the Royal Free Hospital and the UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, London, UK in all aspects. Over two days, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the state of the art management and the approach to clinical controversies in this challenging area of hepatological practice. Delegates will then undertake clinical case-based group sessions, facilitated by local experts and feedback key learning points to their colleagues. These feedback sessions will then form the basis of interactive panel discussion amongst delegates and faculty. 

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Learning objectives

  • To embed understanding of recent advances, controversies and challenges in the diagnosis and clinical management of patients with immune-mediated liver.  
  • To increase confidence in the assessment, treatment and referral of these patients as relevant. 
  • To improve skills in the interpretation of investigation results including histopathology, laboratory tests and radiology and improve understanding of the role of other specialities including surgery, haematology and oncology in the management of these patients.  
  • To develop independent and group working skills and to foster the networks and collaboration required for the discussion, management and research of rare liver diseases.  

Target audience

The target audience is hepatologists working at any level across Europe and beyond who wish to enhance their understanding of the management of immune mediated liver disease and its complications. Participants would be expected to have an interest in clinical hepatology and this programme would be suitable for all hepatology and gastroenterology trainees and practitioners. The school will provide an update in the advanced assessment and challenges in the clinical management of patients with immune-mediated liver disease. Participants would be expected to have experience and skills in the diagnosis and management of the more common immune mediated liver diseases including PSC, PBC and AIH and management of chronic liver disease in general and an interest in rarer conditions such as IgG4 related disease, primary immunodeficiency and immune checkpoint inhibitor-related liver disease. 

Top 3 reasons to attend

  • State of the art update 
  • Increase confidence in making the diagnosis and the management of immune mediated liver disease 
  • Networking with organisers and attendees to support ongoing practice in immune mediated and rare liver disease management 

Key Dates

  • 31 Jan, 2022 Application deadline
  • 01 - 02 Jul, 2022 School days
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