EASL supports new COVID-Hep registry on patients with COVID-19

EASL encourages healthcare professionals to share the EASL supported COVID-Hep registry among its networks. The registry was launched at the University of Oxford, UK in March 2020, to collect data on patients, with liver disease at any stage or liver transplants, who have also developed laboratory-confirmed COVID-19.
This universal, collaborative registry project intends to record how pre-existing liver disease or liver transplantation affects the course of COVID-19. It is intended to provide valuable insights to those caring for these patients. It will also record how patient factors such as age, sex, comorbidity, and medication may influence disease course and outcomes.
The project is being run by a hepatology team at the Translational Gastroenterology Unit (TGU), part of Oxford University Hospitals and the Medical Sciences Division of the University of Oxford.
Those providing healthcare to patients whose details are recorded are encouraged to submit their cases. Submitting a case report should take about 5 minutes. Patients wishing to record their experience should please encourage their healthcare providers to do so, too. The team running the registry will credit all contributors in any publications resulting from this work.
The COVID-Hep project is particularly interested in differences between presentations between geographies and welcomes submissions worldwide. Submissions from the Americas should be directed to service at SECURE-Cirrhosis which is based in the USA.
Regular updates are available for public viewing.
For more information or to make a submission, visit COVID-Hep.