Meet the organisers

Alba Díaz
Alba Díaz is Consultant in the Pathology Department of Hospital Clínic and Professor in the University of Barcelona.
Alba Díaz graduated from the Medical School, University of Barcelona (UB), in 2005. After that, she completed her fellowship in Pathology in the Hospital Clínic (2006-2010). She obteined her PhD degree in 2014 (UB). She is specialized in liver pathology. Alba’s main areas of interest are liver cancer and liver transplantation.

Xavier Forns
Xavier Forns, MD, graduated with a medical degree from the University of Barcelona in 1988 and completed his fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the Liver Unit at the Hospital Clinic, Barcelona from 1990 to 1993.
He spent 4 years as a Research Fellow and Visiting Scientist at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA. During this period his main focus of research was the hepatitis C virus. In 2000 Dr Forns joined the Liver Unit in Hospital Clinic of Barcelona as Liver Specialist Staff member, where he is now a Consultant.
Dr Forns has acted as Associate Editor for the American Journal of Transplantation and Journal of Hepatology and serves as an editorial board member or reviewer for several other journals. He was part of the Governing Board of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (2005–2008), and Secretary of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (2011-2013).
His main field of research and practice is viral hepatitis, where his team has made some significant contributions. Dr Forns has published more than 300 original manuscripts and review articles in the subject area.