Season 2, Episode 6 - Should anticoagulants be given to patients with cirrhosis to improve outcome?
EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on prevention and management of bleeding and thrombosis in patients with cirrhosis were recently released. Join the faculty as they discuss:
- What effects do anticoagulation have on survival and liver related events in cirrhosis?
- What are the mechanisms of action?
- What type of anticoagulants should be used in patients with cirrhosis?
Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou

Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou (MD, PhD) is a clinical specialist in Hepatology and has been a Professor of Hepatology at Université Paris-Cité and Hôpital Beaujon (Clichy, France) since 2016. He is the head of the splanchnic hemodynamic laboratory at Beaujon Hospital (Clichy, France). He is also leads an Inserm team dedicated to the study of the role of vessels in liver diseases, at the INSERM Unit 1149 (Paris Research Center on Inflammation).
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His research is focused on the role of vessels in liver diseases. Specifically, he is interested in primary vascular liver diseases (Budd-Chiari syndrome, portal vein thrombosis and portosinusoidal vascular disorder), as well as in vascular involvement in common liver diseases development and complications (extracellular vesicules, coagulation, endothelial cells).
Erica Villa

Erica Villa, MD, is a Senior Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. She treats patients with liver disease, and has particular expertise in cirrhosis, portal hypertension and HCC. Dr. Villa has completed many clinical studies that have led to identifying factors like menopause or hormonal status as critical in the progression of chronic liver disease.
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In the last years she has studied the factors determining HCC biologic aggressiveness as well as the relationship between coagulative status and progression of cirrhosis and its complications. Lately, she has led the panel in charge of writing the EASL CPGs on prevention and management of bleeding and thrombosis in patients with cirrhosis.
Patrick Northup

Patrick Northup is professor of medicine and surgery and medical director of liver transplantation at the Transplant Institute of New York University Langone Health in New York City. While fundamentally a clinician educator, Dr. Northup has research interests in vascular disorders of the liver, coagulopathy of liver disease, portal vein thrombosis, anticoagulation in liver disease, liver transplantation and organ allocation.
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He is a fellow of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the American College of Gastroenterology. Dr. Northup is a consultant to the NIDDK, FDA, and UNOS and is a prior recipient of the AASLD Jan Albrecht Clinical Research Award.