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Advancing in a scientific career feels more like a marathon than a sprint. In addition to the academic challenges, life often gives you lemons. This webinar focuses on the most relevant steps throughout a research career and the skills needed to succeed:

  • How to plan the foreseeable and cope with the unexpected changes.
  • How to turn obstacles into opportunities for personal growth.


Marta Alonso Peña

Mattias Mandorfer

Annalisa Berzigotti

Johanne Poisson

Georg Semmler


  • Introduction
  • How to kickstart your career and obtain a Ph.D. – Georg Semmler
    • How to survive living in deadline mode
    • How to overcome different personal obstacles
  • 5 min individual discussion
  • Post-doc to PI.  – Johanne Poisson
    • “Should I stay or should I go?” – How to navigate moving abroad
    • How to get independent: Separating yourself from your supervisor
  • 5 min individual discussion
  • PI to Full Professor.  – Annalisa Berzigotti
    • How to build a group / service from scratch
    • How to be a good mentor
  • 5 min individual discussion
  • 10 min joint discussion
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