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Season 4, Episode 6 - Regenerating the liver graft with a machine?

Machine perfusion is changing the status quo in liver transplantation by optimising the use of organs in times of organ shortage.

Watch this EASL Studio to:

  • Better understand the role of machine perfusion in liver transplantation
  • Understand the optimal situations in machine perfusion is beneficial
  • Have an overview of the different types of machines under evaluation

Faculty: Prof. Marina Berenguer (Moderator), Prof. Pierre-Alain Clavien (Faculty), Dr. Amelia Hessheimer (Faculty)

Related episodes:
S3E8 – Transplanting patients with cancer – Is there a limit?
S3E2 – Liver transplantation for ACLF: Opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls

ℹ The episode will be broadcasted live on this page.

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